Have seen a heap of baggies made from one sheet of 12x12 sheets of paper so decided to have a go myself using my Scor-pal. Things I have learnt - not all doublesided papers are alike - some are just toooooo thin for this type of work and with the Scor-pal they tore straight through... One must also **try** to make a template for ease of marking when using the slot punch coz no amount of eye-balling gets it right... But altogether they turned out lovely. Second pick is for my Sis for her 40th last week (had Happy stamped inside)... I saw this technique somewhere (must learn how to copy links and keep them to give the right credit!!) where you stamp in versmark ink and emboss with white powder, then wash with your watercolour crayons. I liked the idea but I didn't have white EP so just used my clear with the sparkly bits from my darlings mixing experiments a few years back (I have it all in a big Tupperware container as I did a bulk buy with some friends so we all got about 200gms each - that is A LOT of EP when you start using it & realise how little you need!!) Not quite sure how I did it but I do know that it involved HEAPS of water & tissues and heating gently with the heatgun to get the right amount of colour and washout.
The other two are more Use-it-Up ClubScrap POP's and experimenting with different looks with the same stamps. It's not very clear but the green cards flower has been coloured with metallic pencils with baby oil.. I think it is my version of Black Magic technique (thank you Ari M for the baby oil idea) - it really is shiny in real life and looks so cool... The red is hard to see but I tore a "mask" frame and stamped inside the frame, then overstamped with the outline of the flowers, masking one or two as well... again looks great in real life....
Do you like my little easel.. so cute came from the 2 Buck Shop ($2 shop) with a cute little canvas for kids to paint - kids got the canvas and paints, etc - I scored the easels!! It is sitting on a block of leftover wood from my bench hubby made. Meleiha did some artwork on it - a starry winged butterfly with a gorgeous expression on it's face & "To Mummy" written underneath. She didn't officially give it to me as I think her big sister gave her heaps about it and Meleiha threw it in the rubbish.... I retrieved it and it sits proudly on my desk now....
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