Yesterday was our local annual car show... Was a great day and took a few pics but silly me put the zoom lens on so had to stand back a million miles to take shots so got lots of peoples heads & bodies in the way!! The centre pic is of Ray's Chev... Ironically he asked Max (while in Auto One - his shop), if we could stop and have a look at it while we were in Brisbane & send him back a report... but we were there a week later... it actually left the day after we arrived and as coincidence would have it, we walked into the exact shop he got it from... just up the road from where we were staying... Of course we drooled and um & ahhhed over several beauties and the owner regaled Max with what was being shipped from the States... but we walked out empty handed - I could have quite easily driven out in one or two of the Chevs or Mustangs that were there..LOL
I digress... was a great hour or two wandering around looking at the old & new cars and chatting to others we haven't seen for a while (hanging shit on those who wouldn't know original from Spam)... tho got a bit sick of people asking where our GT was... Blokes pat answer - in the shed where all good cars are kept (my answer is he's a pain in the ass & won't pull his finger out and get it back on the road - sick of hearing it's going to Perth to be re-sprayed and re-wired coz he doesn't trust anyone here in town to do it... STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND JUST DO IT ALREADY!!)
Also put my name down to be a Friend of Make A Wish foundation... been wanting to do something like this for ages - I can cook, I can create, if I can do something small to help bring some joy to a child's life then I will do it... so here's hoping I can help out soon..
Oh and stopped in at Rumahs (new store with gorgeous Asian style furniture, garden stuff & nick knacks) - very drool worthy and ohhhhh so cheap compared to some other places in town.. Discovered I know the part owner really well too so will be back soon to get my fish to go on the balcony next to the eagle!!
And my car battery died a horrible death sometime Friday I guess (well I drove it Thursday to get kids & it was fine... jumped in Saturday night & she was kaput!!) Of course I **HAD** to have left something on for it to be so flat it would not even keep a charge (would start with jumper leads but even a quick drive around the block - zip, nada) so grumble guts went to the shop next door to Rumah's to get me a new battery. I haven't driven it at all today so will see tomorrow if I am nuts in saying I think there is something severely wrong with the electrics in the car atm or it will just start first time & all it needed was the new battery.... I checked all the doors, none were open/ajar, both interior lights were off & obviously the head lights were off too or he would have noticed that Thursday night when he got home from work (DUHHHH!!)
Anyway that's our weekend, kids played in the sunshine with their water pistols for the better part of the day so I could have some Mummy time creating - painted 2 pages of a Board book challenge & found some glossy mags to rip pages out of but I'm not sure where I'll be headed with it... the others are all up to spread 4 so I am kinda behind but will get them done asap... kids willing.. Got lots to do tomorrow - shopping & picking up wise... ohhhhh and my Bosch washing machine & condenser dryer will be delivered in the morning sometime... yeahhhhh... no more smelly wet clothes & no more the house looking like a chinese laundry with coat hangers over door frames to get things dry anymore.... Thank you Mr Rudd for your generosity in handing back all my Family Benefit - hee hee... Loving the bulk payment - out of debt for the first time in 9years!!
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