Heat Heat Sunshine

Oh how wonderful it was to have some warmth and sunshine back in our days, brief though it was…. Have been so miserable for so long in this cold dreary weather was like manna from heaven to see the sun out and to finally be able to enjoy some time outside… Mind you we all felt like nanna naps by the afternoon, we were like big fluffy cats just wanting to curl up and have a snooze. Not that we really achieved anything in any way shape or form just lazed around, the boys went out on the bikes on the track up the road (saw two big snakes – did say with the warmth they'd be on the move), girls rode around on the ripstick thingos and I sat on the chair with Milo reading #3 in the Twilight saga….
Although I enjoyed the first book, I am really finding it hard slog finishing these last two!! I guess teenage angst is just not my scene especially when it seems to be the same scenario just different location…. As I said they are just NOT Harry Potter, nor a Jodi Picoult book… will endure #4 and see if my predictions are right (get married, Belle somehow is pregnant, other covens start to intrude and it all goes pear shaped but they will live happily forever after!! Oh I am a cynic but I feel they are so predictable….
Battery going flat so will write more soon
Hugs Jo'

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