Yes that's my bubby girl in the Childrens Ward at our Hospital. Looking very pale and washed out. It all started Thursday night - she was coughing quite badly and I just put it down to the weather and residual leftover from the cold we've all had. Filled her up with recommended dosage of Ventolin & Serotide and she seemed fine. Repeated the doses again in the morning and off she weent to school. Urgent phone call at 1.30pm Friday to say she had been unwell since before lunch and ventolin treatment was not working and she was finding it very hard to breathe. 15min dash to school and one not very well looking baby on our hands. Had rung the doctors on the way out and they bluntly said don't bother bringing her in - take her straight to the hospital ED..... We came home and Meleiha wanted to lay down (been told now the worst thing I could have let her do), so put on a Barbie movie and she promptly fell asleep in our bed. Slept til 4-ish but was even worse on awakening so I took Neesh to her beach party (freezing cold weather and teenagers having a bbq at the beach AND went swimming - NO BRAINS AT ALL!!) then rushed to the Hospital. Straight into ED, onto Pulsox machine & got the bad news that yes this is a MAJOR asthma attack and yes we are being admitted.
God how bad did I feel that I had delayed coming up for 3 hours coz she was tired and wanted to sleep - the reason she was tired was her heart was working overtime to get oxygen around her little body as she couldn't get enough into her lungs!!
So off we went in the bed to the childrens ward.... rang Daddy to give him the news and then had to wait til he picked Neesh up from the beach (soaking wet and freezing cold as had gone swimming in her clothes - we were not impressed at all!!) so I could rush home for night gear, toiletries, things to do and changes of clothes.
Was a very unpleasant weekend with hourly nebuliser & obs, chest xray (then told had chest infection as well!!), very limited things to do so carted two bags of stamping gear up but not really enough room to spread out how we are used to here at home... And very bored and annoyed Daddy complaining about a waste of a weekend having to spend it at the hospital (fell asleep in the chair/sofabed so not sure what his complaint was, I still had to deal with the four kids running amok for the 4hrs he was there!!)... Told him I was sorry it was so incovenient for him that his daughter was extremely ill and I needed to stay with her in hospital. Other three tho't it was great coz they got three meals of junk food as Daddy wouldn't cook what I had got out of the freezer for the weekend meals (just love wasted food!!)
Finally early on Sunday morning Meleiha's oxygen levels were reading consistently at 100% so when Doctor Zaphir came in at 11am he gave her the okay to leave... With three prescriptions tho for antibiotics to take for a week, steroid tablets for a week and a regime of Ventolin and Serotide to follow strictly for the next four days, until I couldn't hear the crackling wheeze in her chest.
Due to the two hourly ventolin I kept her home til Friday which was a good thing coz she was getting so tired by about 1pm each day so we didn't really go out much just for some shoes and Xmas clothes... And she commented when she got in the car Friday arvo that she was really tired and was asleep by 7pm....
She's been quiet all weekend barely moving from the games room, playing games with her dolls or reading or watching videos so I hope it means she is on the mend.
We have a doctors appointment for all three of us (Meleiha, Tyler & myself) Monday arvo so I hope for some resolution to all the illness we have had since May/June this year.... I'm kinda over it quite frankly....
I'm asking to go back on my antidepressants and am going to ask about a major weight loss procedure as I know that my weight is a contributing factor to my health problems but not sure if the depression is due to the weight gain or vice versa. I have tried a lot of things and are so successful but then something happens and it all creeps back on again and I feel bad about myself again so vicious circle. Need a kick in the pants so a start is the antidpressants.
Til later
Jo xoxo
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